Eurobodalla Shire

Resident workers - Individual income

Eurobodalla Shire labour force have a similar proportion of persons with high incomes ($1,750 or more per week) than New South Wales.

The Individual Income levels of the local resident workers are directly linked to their knowledge, experience, qualifications, occupation and skill levels.

Income statistics Eurobodalla Shire, when analysed with other data sources, such as Age structure, Qualification , Hours worked and Occupations , help to evaluate the economic opportunities and socio-economic status of Eurobodalla Shire. This also indicates what knowledge and skill levels industry can draw upon locally.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2021 – by usual residence

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Current benchmark:
Resident workers individual income
Eurobodalla Shire - Persons2021
Gross weekly individual incomeNumber%. New South Wales%
Negative Income/ Nil income1020.70.6
$1 - $1494783.22.2
$150 - $2995013.32.4
$300 - $3995793.82.7
$400 - $4998685.83.5
$500 - $6491,4619.76.1
$650 - $7991,72711.48.0
$800 - $9992,13814.210.9
$1,000 - $1,2492,16814.413.1
$1,250 - $1,4991,4029.310.4
$1,500 - $1,7491,1177.49.2
$1,750 - $1,9997705.17.2
$2,000 - $2,9991,0296.813.3
$3,000 - $3,4992221.53.2
$3,500 or more3592.46.2
Not stated1711.10.9
Total Persons15,092100.0100.0
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Dominant groups

Analysis of the resident workers individual income levels in Eurobodalla Shire in 2021 compared to New South Wales shows that there was a similar proportion earning a high income (those earning $1,750 per week or more) as well as a higher proportion of low income persons (those earning less than $500 per week).

Overall, 14.5% of the resident workers earned a high income, and 16.8% earned a low income, compared with 24.7% and 11.5% respectively for Victoria.

The major differences between the weekly income of the resident workers in Eurobodalla Shire and New South Wales were:

  • A smaller percentage of resident workers earned $2,000 - $2,999 (6.8% compared to 13.3%)
  • A smaller percentage of resident workers earned $3,500 or more (2.4% compared to 6.2%)
  • A larger percentage of resident workers earned $500 - $649 (9.7% compared to 6.1%)
  • A larger percentage of resident workers earned $650 - $799 (11.4% compared to 8.0%)

Eurobodalla Shire Council

economic profile