Glenelg Shire

Workers place of residence by industry - All industries

Of the 8,145 local workers in Glenelg Shire, 7,561 or 92.8% also live in the area.

Journey to Work (workers) data shows where Glenelg Shire's local workers come from and how far they are travelling to access employment in the area.

This shows the degree to which the local economy draws on the wider region to supply labour for its industries. It is also useful in planning and advocacy for roads and public transport provision.

The distance and direction travelled by workers in different industry sectors may be influenced by the nature of employment opportunities (higher paid, high value employment may draw people from a wider area); the skill level required (jobs requiring tertiary qualifications will draw more workers from areas with high qualification levels among the residents) the number of jobs available in the industry sector (sectors with more opportunities may have a wider catchment); transport options available and commuting times to Glenelg Shire.

Workers place of residence data should be viewed alongside Self-sufficiency and Jobs to workers ratio datasets for a summary of local employment opportunity by industry, as well as modelled Employment by industry (Total) numbers and Employment locations to understand the relative size of each industry sector and its distribution across Glenelg Shire. To analyse the characteristics of local workers in each industry, go to the Local workers section.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2021 – by journey to work

Select industry:
Residential location of local workers by industry
Glenelg Shire - All industries2021
Live and work in the area7,56192.8
Work in the area, but live outside5847.2
Total workers in the area8,145100.0

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2021. Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions) Excludes residential locations with fewer than 10 people.

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Residential location of local workers by LGA by industry
Glenelg Shire - All industries2021
Southern Grampians1602.0
Mount Gambier781.0
Greater Geelong280.3
Surf Coast120.1

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2021. Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions) Excludes residential locations with fewer than 10 people.

Glenelg Shire

economic profile