Mansfield Shire Council

Employment locations - All industries

The destination zone with the greatest number (2,334) of workers employs 59.4% of the local workers within Mansfield Shire Council.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2021 – by place of work

Place of Work data, mapped to Destination Zones, provide an excellent spatial representation of where each industry's economic activity is conducted within Mansfield Shire Council.

Some industries are clustered in business parks, or along major transport routes. Others are associated with institutions such as schools, universities and hospitals.

Employment locations data should be viewed in conjunction with Workers place of residence data to see how far people travel to get to employment in the Mansfield Shire Council, and with Employment by industry (Total) and Businesses by industry data to see the total size of industries in the area.

Data presented here show the number of local workers per destination zone at the 2021 Census. This has been derived from the ABS imputed dataset using methodology from the Bureau of Transport statistics, and adjusts for Census undercount.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2021 – by place of work

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Mansfield Shire Council

economic profile