Quilpie Shire

Local workers - Hours worked - All industries

21.5% of All industries local workers in Quilpie Shire are employed part-time and 76.4% are employed full-time.

Hours Worked statistics shows the distribution of employment hours in Quilpie Shire across each industry sector. Full-time employment is considered 35-hours and over.

The hours worked by employed people in a particular industry depend on a number of factors:

  • The availability and take-up of part-time work in the industry;
  • The demands of jobs in the industry and requirement to work overtime;
  • The age and family responsibilities of people working in the industry; and
  • The gender profile of workers in the industry (due to family commitments, females are often more likely to work part-time).

Hours Worked data should be viewed in conjunction with Age structure, Occupation and Income.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2021 – by place of work

Select industry:
Current benchmark:
Local workers hours worked, 2021
Quilpie Shire - All industries20212016Change
Hours workedNumber%. Queensland%Number%. Queensland%2016 - 2021
1 hour - 15 hours194.411.1326.711.0-13
16 hours - 24 hours245.69.3173.59.4+7
25 hours - 34 hours307.012.0367.512.0-6
35 hours - 39 hours6615.420.85511.519.3+11
40 hours5111.916.28016.717.2-29
41 hours - 48 hours347.98.4296.09.4+5
49 hours or more17641.113.619440.416.4-18
Not stated92.11.8112.31.8-2
Total Persons428100.0100.0480100.0100.0-52

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions)

Please refer to specific data notes for more information
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Dominant groups

Analysis of the hours worked by the workforce in Quilpie Shire in 2021compared to Queensland within Quilpie Shire shows that there was a lower proportion who worked part-time (34 hours or less) and a higher proportion who worked full-time (35 hours or more).

Overall, 21.5% of the workforce worked part-time (34 hours or less) , and 76.4% worked full-time (35 hours or more), compared with 39.3% and 58.9% respectively for Queensland within Quilpie Shire.

The major differences between the hours worked by the workforce in Quilpie Shire and Queensland were:

  • A smaller percentage of local workers who worked 1 hour - 15 hours (4.4% compared to 11.1%)
  • A smaller percentage of local workers who worked 25 hours - 34 hours (7.0% compared to 12.0%)
  • A smaller percentage of local workers who worked 35 hours - 39 hours (15.4% compared to 20.8%)
  • A larger percentage of local workers who worked 49 hours or more (41.1% compared to 13.6%)

Emerging groups

The largest changes in the hours worked by the All industries workforce in Quilpie Shire between 2016 and 2021 were:

  • 40 hours (-29 local workers)
  • 49 hours or more (-18 local workers)
  • 1 hour - 15 hours (-13 local workers)
  • 35 hours - 39 hours (+11 local workers)

Quilpie Shire

economic profile