Meander Valley Council

About the area

Key Statistics


The Meander Valley Council area is located in northern Tasmania, with its' geographic centre about 50 kilometres west of the Launceston CBD. The Meander Valley Council area is bounded by the Kentish Council area, the Latrobe Council area and the West Tamar Council area in the north, the City of Launceston and the Northern Midlands Council area in the east, the Central Highlands Council area in the south, and the West Coast Council area in the west.

Included Areas

The Meander Valley Council area includes the localities of Birralee (part), Blackstone Heights, Bracknell (part), Bridgenorth (part), Carrick, Caveside, Central Plateau (part), Chudleigh, Cluan, Cradle Mountain (part), Dairy Plains, Deloraine, Dunorlan, Elizabeth Town, Exton, Frankford (part), Golden Valley, Hadspen, Hagley, Jackeys Marsh, Kimberley (part), Lake St Clair (part), Liena (part), Liffey (part), Longford (part), Mayberry, Meander, Mersey Forest (part), Middlesex (part), Mole Creek (part), Moltema, Montana, Mount Roland (part), Needles, Oaks, Osmaston, Parkham (part), Prospect Vale, Quamby Bend, Quamby Brook, Red Hills, Reedy Marsh, Riverside (part), Rosevale (part), Sassafras (part), Selbourne (part), Travellers Rest, Walls of Jerusalem (part), Weegena (part), Weetah, Westbury, Western Creek, Westwood and Whitemore.

Land Use

The Meander Valley Council area includes rural, rural-residential areas and growing urban areas in numerous townships and villages. The main urban areas are located in the east, closest to Launceston, in Prospect Vale and Hadspen. Small townships include Bracknell, Carrick, Chudleigh, Deloraine, Hagley, Meander, Mole Creek and Westbury. Rural land is used largely for agriculture, with some forestry. Tourism is also an important industry. The Council area encompasses a total land area of about 3,800 square kilometres.

Name Origin

The Meander Valley Council was named to describe the valley of the Meander River.

Indigenous Meaning

The original inhabitants of the Meander Valley Council area were the Pallittorre Aboriginal people.


European settlement dates from the early 1800s, although population was minimal until the mid 1800s, with growth through to the late 1800s. Land was used mainly for grazing and farming. Gradual expansion took place from the post-war years, particularly from the 1960s. The population increased rapidly during the early 1990s, with more gradual growth from the mid 1990s. Recent growth has been mainly in the eastern settlements of Prospect Vale, Blackstone Heights and Hadspen.

Major Features

Major features of the Council area include the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, Mole Creek Karst National Park, Walls of Jerusalem National Park, Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National Park, the Great Western Tiers, Devils Gullet, King Solomons Cave, Marakoopa Cave, Liffey Falls, Meander Falls, Country Club Tasmania, Ashgrove Cheese, Christmas Hills Raspberry Farm, Melita Honey Farm, Pearns Steam World, Tasmanian Copper & Metal Art Gallery, Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary, Westbury Maze, 41° South Salmon & Ginseng Farm, Carrick Speedway, Lake Trevallyn, the Meander River and numerous state forests.


The Meander Valley Council area is served by the Bass Highway, the Lake Highway and the Meander Valley Highway.

Meander Valley Council

economic profile