Western Parkland City

Employment by industry (Census)

Health Care and Social Assistance is the largest employer in Western Parkland City, making up 15.3% of total employment.

Census employment data presents the number of persons employed in each industry sector (full-time and part-time) in Western Parkland City regardless of where they live. By comparing the number of jobs in each industry sector to a regional benchmark, you can clearly see local economic strengths and weaknesses. By looking at how the number of jobs in each industry is changing over time, you can track how the structure of the local economy is changing. Go to the Employment locations page to see where employment is taking place across Western Parkland City.

Note: Census employment figures are known to undercount employment by varying amounts depending on the Census year. All Census counts are an undercount of total population, and in addition, some people don’t state their workforce status or industry. Also counts by place of work exclude those with no fixed workplace address. For this reason, it is recommended that for total job numbers, users look at the Employment by industry (Total) modelled estimates which are updated on an annual basis, and based on the ABS Labour Force survey, less prone to undercount. The Census counts by industry are included here for a greater level of industry detail (3-digit ANZSIC).

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2016 & 2021 – by place of work

Current area:
Current benchmark:
Did you know? By clicking/tapping on a data row in the table you will be able to see sub categories.
Employment (Census) by industry sector
Western Parkland City20212016Change
IndustryNumber%. New South WalesNumber%. New South Wales2016 - 2021
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing4,3471.22.04,2461.32.2+101
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services3,3100.91.03,1301.00.9+180
Wholesale Trade12,3953.42.911,1223.53.1+1,273
Retail Trade38,11110.69.035,97011.29.7+2,141
Accommodation and Food Services22,7066.36.223,0167.27.1-310
Transport, Postal and Warehousing23,6006.64.618,4125.84.7+5,188
Information Media and Telecommunications2,3830.71.92,4230.82.2-40
Financial and Insurance Services5,0121.45.34,2781.35.0+734
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services5,3241.51.75,1911.61.8+133
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services12,9803.68.911,3363.58.1+1,644
Administrative and Support Services9,6742.73.29,0212.83.5+653
Public Administration and Safety21,3615.95.819,7946.25.9+1,567
Education and Training36,38310.18.731,1759.78.3+5,208
Health Care and Social Assistance55,06115.314.442,19813.212.5+12,863
Arts and Recreation Services3,6711.01.43,9621.21.5-291
Other Services13,0103.63.412,4643.93.7+546
Industry not classified19,6405.54.619,2966.04.7+344
Total persons359,650100.0100.0319,809100.0100.0+39,841

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).

Please refer to specific data notes for more information
Did you know? By clicking/tapping on a category in the chart below you will be able to drilldown to the sub categories.
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Dominant groups

An analysis of the jobs held by the local workers in Western Parkland City in 2021 shows the three most popular industry sectors were:

  • Health Care and Social Assistance (55,061 people or 15.3%)
  • Retail Trade (38,111 people or 10.6%)
  • Education and Training (36,383 people or 10.1%)

In combination these three fields accounted for 129,555 people in total or 36.0% of the local workers.

In comparison, New South Wales employed 14.4% in Health Care and Social Assistance; 9.0% in Retail Trade and 8.7% in Education and Training.

The major differences between the jobs held by local workers of Western Parkland City and New South Wales were:

  • A smaller percentage of local workers employed in the field of Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (3.6% compared to 8.9%)
  • A smaller percentage of local workers employed in the field of Financial and Insurance Services (1.4% compared to 5.3%)
  • A larger percentage of local workers employed in the field of Manufacturing (9.2% compared to 5.5%)
  • A larger percentage of local workers employed in the field of Transport, Postal and Warehousing (6.6% compared to 4.6%)

Emerging groups

The largest changes in the jobs held by local workers between 2016 and 2021 in Western Parkland City were for those employed in:

  • Health Care and Social Assistance (+12,863 local workers)
  • Construction (+6,191 local workers)
  • Education and Training (+5,208 local workers)
  • Transport, Postal and Warehousing (+5,188 local workers)

The Parks

economic profile