Goulburn Mulwaree

Business locations - All industries

There are a total of 2,772 active and registered for GST businesses in Goulburn Mulwaree. The largest subcategory within this is Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing.

The Australian Business Register is a register of all business entities and sole traders in Australia, based on Australian Business Numbers (ABNs), maintained by the Australian Taxation Office.

Data from the ABR is useful in planning and economic development, to identify the spatial patterns of businesses across Goulburn Mulwaree, clusters and change in business growth patterns across the area.

The raw business register dataset contains large numbers of ABNs which are not relevant to local government planning, including trusts, superannuation funds, non-active businesses and micro businesses not registered for GST. These have been filtered out of the data presented here, to provide a more meaningful dataset for Local Government Decision making.

Data are presented as aggregates of ABNs at the Destination Zone level, for the most recent time period. The distribution of industries shown here can be selected at the 1 or 2-digit ANZSIC classification level, and the table below the map shows a further breakdown into more detailed business categories. For more information, including actual business locations and name and address details, LGAs are entitled to access the raw ABR unit record dataset directly from the ATO.

Data source

Australian Business Register - filtered counts - Current at August 2024

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Australian business register by industry sector
Goulburn Mulwaree - All industriesGoulburn Mulwaree
IndustryANZSIC codeNumber%.
Agriculture, Forestry and FishingA55520.0
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste ServicesD150.5
Wholesale TradeF642.3
Retail TradeG1545.6
Accommodation and Food ServicesH973.5
Transport, Postal and WarehousingI1726.2
Information Media and TelecommunicationsJ200.7
Financial and Insurance ServicesK642.3
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate ServicesL1876.7
Professional, Scientific and Technical ServicesM2288.2
Administrative and Support ServicesN1043.8
Public Administration and SafetyO140.5
Education and TrainingP371.3
Health Care and Social AssistanceQ1455.2
Arts and Recreation ServicesR582.1
Other ServicesS2047.4
Total Industries-2772100

Source: Australian Business Register. Compiled and presented in economy.id by .id (informed decisions).

Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Goulburn Mulwaree

economic profile