Lockyer Valley Regional Council


The Lockyer Valley Regional Council area is located in south-east Queensland, about 90 kilometres west of the Brisbane CBD. The Lockyer Valley Regional Council area encompasses a total land area of nearly 2,300 square kilometres. The Council area is predominantly rural, with major town centres at Gatton and Laidley, and a number of smaller townships including Forest Hill, Grantham, Helidon, Murphys Creek, Plainland and Withcott.

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NOTE: The land use shown in the map is derived from ABS Mesh Block categories. Mesh Blocks broadly identify land use and are not designed to provide definitive land use. It is purely an indicator of the main planned land use for a Mesh Blocks. For more information please refer to ABS Mesh Block categories.

Transportation Networks

  • Warrego Highway


  • Brisbane CBD 90km
  • Brisbane Airport 100km
  • Port of Brisbane 120km

Major Industrial Precincts

  • Gatton (south of Lake Apex Drive)
  • Helidon (north – including Helidon Explosives Magazine and Helidon Sandstone Industries)
  • Withcott (north-west)

Lockyer Valley Regional Council

economic profile