Kyogle Council area


The Kyogle Council area is located in the Northern Rivers Region of northern New South Wales. The Kyogle Council area encompasses a total land area of 3,600 square kilometres. The Kyogle Council area is a rural and rural-residential area, with significant areas of national park and rainforest. The largest township is Kyogle, with smaller settlements at Bonalbo, Cawongla, Geneva, Mallanganee, Mummulgum, Old Bonalbo, Tabulam, Wiangaree and Woodenbong. Rural land is used largely for grazing and timber production, with some horticulture.

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NOTE: The land use shown in the map is derived from ABS Mesh Block categories. Mesh Blocks broadly identify land use and are not designed to provide definitive land use. It is purely an indicator of the main planned land use for a Mesh Blocks. For more information please refer to ABS Mesh Block categories.

Transportation Networks

  • Bruxner Highway
  • The Summerland Way
  • North Coast railway line


  • Sydney GPO 760km
  • Brisbane GPO 180km

Kyogle Council

economic profile