RDA Yorke and Mid North Region

Residents place of work by occupation - All occupations

3,065 or 10.2% of RDA Yorke and Mid North Region’s resident workers travel outside of the area to work.

Journey to Work (residents) data shows where RDA Yorke and Mid North Region's resident workers go to work and whether they need to travel significant distances to work. This impacts upon planning and advocacy for roads and public transport provision, as well as economic development strategies to develop local employment which fits the skills and qualifications of the resident workers.

The distance travelled by residents in different broad occupations may be influenced by; the nature of employment opportunities versus the skills and qualifications of local residents; transport options available and commuting times; relationship between wages and salaries (people will travel further for higher paid jobs), house prices in the local area; and the geographic size of the local area.

Residents place of work data should be viewed alongside Self-containment and Jobs to workers ratio datasets, as well as modelled Employed residents estimates, which are updated annually. The Resident workers section will provide the characteristics of resident workers.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2021 – by place of work

Employment location of resident workers by occupation
RDA Yorke and Mid North Region - All occupations2021
Live and work in the area25,59284.9
- Live and work in the same LGA22,41574.3
- Work in the area and live in different LGA3,17710.5
Live in the area, but work outside3,06510.2
No fixed place of work1,5005.0
Total employed residents in the area30,157100.0

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2021. Compiled and presented in economy.id by .id (informed decisions)

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Employment location of resident workers by LGA by occupation
RDA Yorke and Mid North Region - All occupations2021
Port Pirie6,60421.9
Copper Coast4,42414.7
Clare and Gilbert Valleys3,85812.8
Yorke Peninsula3,60912.0
Northern Areas1,6235.4
No usual address (SA)1,4814.9
Mount Remarkable7072.3
Barunga West6892.3
Unincorporated SA4291.4
Orroroo Carrieton3581.2
Port Augusta3201.1
Roxby Downs2500.8
Port Adelaide Enfield2390.8
Adelaide Plains990.3
Charles Sturt840.3
West Torrens780.3
Tea Tree Gully660.2
Norwood Payneham and St Peters400.1
Flinders Ranges270.1
Adelaide Hills200.1
Broken Hill180.1
East Pilbara140.0
Mid Murray130.0
Holdfast Bay130.0
Campbelltown (SA)120.0
Unincorporated ACT110.0
Alice Springs100.0

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2021. Compiled and presented in economy.id by .id (informed decisions) Excludes residential locations with fewer than 10 people.

RDA Yorke and Mid North Region

economic profile