City of Vincent

About the area

Key Statistics


The City of Vincent is located about 3 kilometres north of the Perth CBD. The City of Vincent is bounded by the City of Stirling in the north, the City of Bayswater and the Swan River in the east, the City of Perth in the south, and the Town of Cambridge in the west.

Included Areas

The City of Vincent includes the suburbs of Coolbinia (part), East Perth (part), Highgate, Leederville, Mount Hawthorn, Mount Lawley (part), North Perth, Osborne Park (part), Perth (part) and West Perth (part).

Land Use

The City of Vincent is a predominantly residential area, with some industrial and commercial land use. The City encompasses a total land area of 11 square kilometres.

Name Origin

The City of Vincent is named after Vincent Street, which is thought to be named after George Vincent, Chief Draftsman in the Lands Department in 1876, and original landholder in the area.

Indigenous Meaning

The original inhabitants of the Vincent area were the Nyoongar Aboriginal people.


European settlement dates from 1829 when the Swan River Colony was established by the British Government, with land used mainly for dairy farming and market gardening. Population was minimal until the 1870s when several lakes were drained and access was improved. Growth occurred during the 1870s and 1880s, spurred by the opening of the railway line in 1881. Rapid development took place from the 1890s into the 1910s, aided by nearby gold discoveries. Expansion resumed during the interwar period. Significant development occurred from the post-war years, largely due to residential infill.

Major Features

Major features of the City include Hyde Park, Dorrien Gardens (BGC Stadium), Litis Stadium, Leederville Oval (Medibank Stadium), nib Stadium (Perth Oval), Beatty Park Leisure Centre, Loftus Recreation Centre, Central Institute of Technology (Leederville and Mount Lawley Campuses) and the Swan River.


The City of Vincent is served by the Graham Farmer Freeway, the Mitchell Freeway and East Parade.

City of Vincent

economic profile