Glenelg Shire

Resident workers - Age structure

In Glenelg Shire, most resident workers in All industries are over 45 years old.

The Age Structure of Glenelg Shire's resident workers is indicative of the residential role and function of the local area. This includes factors such as when the area was settled; what types of households live there; the level of access the area has to employment, services and facilities; the local dwelling stock characteristics (including cost of housing); local amenity and a range of other factors that attract people to an area.

The age structure of Glenelg Shire's resident workers is indicative of the skill-levels and experience that local businesses can draw upon. For example, younger resident workers, while less experienced, are typically more mobile and have higher level skills in use of new technologies.

For a complete local resident workers analysis for Glenelg Shire, Age Structure should be analysed in conjunction with Qualification, Occupations, Hours worked and Income.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2016 and 2021 – by usual residence

Select industry:
Current benchmark:
Resident workers age structure
Glenelg Shire - All industries20212016Change
Ten year age groups (years)Number%. Victoria%Number%. Victoria%2016 - 2021
15 to 24 years1,16813.213.81,10513.313.9+63
25 to 34 years1,39715.823.91,11113.423.8+286
35 to 44 years1,53017.322.71,54918.622.1-19
45 to 54 years1,95622.120.12,15025.921.3-194
55 to 64 years1,93821.914.71,77721.414.7+161
65 years and over8469.64.86227.54.2+224
Total Persons8,835100.0100.08,314100.0100.0+521

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions)

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Dominant groups

Analysis of the resident workers (All industries) age structure of Glenelg Shire in 2021compared to Victoria shows that there was a lower proportion of persons in the younger age groups (15 to 44 years) as well as a higher proportion of persons in the older age groups (45 years and over).

Overall, 46.3% of the resident workers was aged under 45 years, compared to 60.4% for Victoria. 53.7% were aged 45 years and over, compared to 39.6% for Victoria.

The major difference between the resident workers age structure of Glenelg Shire and Victoria is:

  • A smaller percentage of resident workers aged 25 to 34 years (15.8% compared to 23.9%)
  • A larger percentage of resident workers aged 55 to 64 years (21.9% compared to 14.7%)
  • A smaller percentage of resident workers aged 35 to 44 years (17.3% compared to 22.7%)
  • A larger percentage of resident workers aged 65 years and over (9.6% compared to 4.8%)

Emerging groups

From 2016 to 2021, Glenelg Shire's resident workers (All industries) population increased by 521 people (6.3%). This represents an average annual change of 1.22% per year over the period.

The largest changes in the resident workers age structure in Glenelg Shire between 2016 and 2021 were in the age groups:

  • 25 to 34 years (+286 persons)
  • 65 years and over (+224 persons)
  • 45 to 54 years (-194 persons)
  • 55 to 64 years (+161 persons)

Glenelg Shire

economic profile