City of Canterbury Bankstown

Local workers - Key statistics - All industries

In City of Canterbury Bankstown 54.7% of the local workers (All industries) are males and 45.3% are female.

The local workers is made up of all the people who are employed in the local area, regardless of where they live. Local workers statistics reveal how the characteristics of the local workers in City of Canterbury Bankstown vary between each industry sector and indicates specific industry sector local workers requirements and employment opportunities.

Access the detailed tables for further exploration of each characteristic.

NOTE: All tables in the workers section are based on Census employment data which differ from the NIEIR employment estimates. See data notes for more details.

Data source

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Census 2016 & 2021 – by place of work

Current industry:
Current benchmark:
Local workers key statistics - All industries
City of Canterbury Bankstown20212016change
Namenumber%. New South Walesnumber%. New South Wales2016 to 2021
Local workers
Total local workers (Census)99,306100.0100.094,774100.0100.0+4,532
Age structure
15 - 24 years13,35013.413.812,47313.214.0+877
25 - 54 years64,37564.865.863,50167.066.6+874
55 - 64 years16,75016.915.315,00615.815.0+1,744
65 years and over4,8244.95.13,7814.04.3+1,043
Top three industries
Health care and social assistance13,73713.814.411,93812.612.5+1,799
Retail trade9,5619.69.09,51310.09.7+48
Top three occupations
Clerical and administrative workers14,19914.313.013,17113.913.8+1,028
Technicians and trades workers12,46312.611.813,04813.812.7-585
Hours worked
Full time50,23150.658.059,15462.463.1-8,923
Part time46,60246.940.333,09934.934.9+13,503
Bachelor or higher degree33,51133.738.426,31927.832.6+7,192
Advanced diploma or diploma12,06112.111.010,90711.511.1+1,154
Certificate level18,69718.821.219,33220.422.2-635
No qualifications32,31732.527.035,19737.131.1-2,880
Individual Income
Less than $50012,19612.311.5--00--
$500 -$1,99971,86272.464.9--00--
$2,000 or more14,15314.322.7--00--
Method of Travel to Work
Public Transport4,1024.14.06,9447.316.0-2,842
Walked only1,9131.92.52,5432.73.9-630
Other Characteristics
Born overseas49,78350.134.147,42450.032.8+2,359
Speaks a language other than English at home55,16655.627.252,83855.826.4+2,328
Arrived between 2016 and August 20217,5217.66.2--00--

City of Canterbury Bankstown

economic profile